Internship of the newly appointed executive secretaries of the administrative commissions

14 December 2018, Friday

Internship of the newly appointed executive secretary of the administrative commissions of the Apastovsky, Buinsky, Kaybizky and Pestrechinsky municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan was held today in the Administrative Commission of Kazan premise.

Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan Ibyatov M.M., Head of the Department for organizing the activities of the administrative commissions of the Executive Committee of Kazan city Mukhametshin A.R., Head of Activity Assurance of Administrative Commission with Control Bodies Division Latypov D.A., Head of Monitoring Unit of the Enforcement of Administrative Commission’s Orders Khisamiev I.G.

The executive secretaries participated as observers in the meeting of the administrative commission of Kazan city to share experiences during the internship, questions were answered in the «Round table» mode and methodological materials for practical application were handed.

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