Results of the meeting of the working group of the Interdepartmental Coordination Committee on Legal Issues

12 September 2023, Tuesday

Today the Ministry of Justice hosted a meeting of the working group of the Interdepartmental Coordination Committee on Legal Issues.


The members of the working group discussed the bills providing for amendments to the republican laws on information systems and informatization of the Republic of Tatarstan and regulation of certain issues in the field of animal treatment in the Republic of Tatarstan.


The first bill proposes to fix new principles and priority directions of the state policy in the sphere of informatization.


Amendments to the law on regulation of certain issues in the field of animal treatment in the Republic of Tatarstan are aimed at regulating the issues of implementation of activities on treatment of animals without owners. The draft law proposes to give the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan the authority to organize activities in the implementation of activities for the treatment of animals without owners.


According to the results of the meeting the draft law on regulation of certain issues in the field of animal treatment in the Republic of Tatarstan is supported and will be sent for consideration of the Expert Council of the Interdepartmental Coordination Committee on Legal Issues. The draft law on information systems and informatization of the Republic of Tatarstan, taking into account the comments received on it, was sent for revision.

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