The Ministry of Justice of Tatarstan plans to use intellectual property when working with normative legal acts

2 November 2023, Thursday

The work on machine learning of the intellect is now in progress.

The development of a system that will allow to monitor and analyze legislation, identify contradictions and systematize normative legal acts with the use of artificial intelligence technology was discussed today at a meeting at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Ministry of Justice of Tatarstan is working together with the Ministry of Digitization of the Republic of Tatarstan, the State Unitary Enterprise "Center of Digital Transformation of the Republic of Tatarstan" and the State Unitary Enterprise "Center of Information Technologies of the Republic of Tatarstan" on the development and introduction of artificial intelligence in the normative activity, monitoring changes in legislation.

"Artificial intelligence technologies will allow, in particular, to analyze normative legal acts and identify contradictions in them, prepare draft acts, as well as timely signal the need to amend them," explained Ainur Galimov, First Deputy Minister of Justice of RT.

The platform will contain up-to-date information on all normative legal acts contained in such digital sources of official publication as the federal and republican portals of legal information, as well as the register of municipal normative legal acts.

It is important to note that ensuring the accelerated introduction of digital technologies and platforms in the economy and social sphere, mainly based on domestic developments, is a priority task of the Digital Economy national project.

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