Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Commission under the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan

29 March 2024, Friday

Today, Justice Minister Rustem Zagidullin held the first meeting of the Anti-Corruption Commission this year. The meeting heard reports from the heads of departments of the Ministry on the work carried out to implement anti-corruption policy measures following the results of the past year.

In 2023, all 47 indicators of the state program «Implementation of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Tatarstan» were fulfilled. The implementation of the Ministry's anti-corruption policy implementation program has been ensured. No corruption-related crimes have been identified in the Ministry.

In 2023, 59 draft regulatory legal acts developed by the Ministry were posted on the official website of the Ministry for independent anti-corruption expertise. As part of the legal examination of acts included in the register of municipal normative legal acts of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry identified 468 corruption-causing factors in 422 municipal normative legal acts. In order to eliminate, as well as prevent similar violations, information on identified corruption-causing factors is sent quarterly to the heads of municipalities. The elimination of corruption-causing factors identified by the Ministry by local governments is monitored quarterly.

The Ministry has an internship platform «Anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts. Development of draft regulatory legal acts». In 2023, 10 civil servants from various government agencies and 22 municipal employees from 13 municipalities were trained.

Tatyana Latyeva, Head of the Human Resources and Civil Service Department, spoke about the work carried out in the field of anti-corruption in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2023. She noted that despite the vacancy in the position of the person responsible for the prevention of corruption and other offenses, systematic work on the implementation of anti-corruption policy is being carried out, the activities of the Ministry are aimed at reducing the causes and conditions that give rise to corruption, and the involvement of employees in the process of implementing anti-corruption policy.

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