Results of the meeting of the Attestation Commission

27 March 2019, Wednesday

On March 26th, 2019, a meeting of the Attestation Commission of the Magistrates of the Republic of Tatarstan for suitability of replacement post of the state civil service was held at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Certification of civil servants is designed to identify a professional capacity, the degree of willingness and levels of the ability to perform functional duties of a civil servant. In practical terms, primary objective of attestation is to determine whether a civil servant corresponds to his post.

According to the results of a voting, 8 attested were recognized as corresponding to the replacement post of the state civil service, 1 attested - as the corresponding to the replacement post of the state civil service and recommended to be included in the personnel reserve for filling the vacant civil service position in the order of official growth, by the decision of the Commission.

A veteran of the civil service of the Republic of Tatarstan Ganchurin V.P., a member of the Apparatus of Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization «Association of lawyers of Russia» of the Tatarstan Vafin M.K. participated in the meeting of the Commission as independent experts.

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