Meeting of the Deputy Minister of Justice with students of the Kazan branch of the Russian State University of Justice

1 December 2022, Thursday

Deputy Minister of Justice Nadezhda Ragozina, heads of structural divisions of the Ministry Tatyana Latyeva and Ksenia Martochkina met with 5th year students of the Kazan branch of the Russian State University of Justice for the purpose of professional orientation work for possible further employment.


The meeting was held at the court sites of justices of the peace in the Kirovsky district of Kazan. During the meeting, the role and powers of the Ministry of Justice related to the court and judicial activities in the judicial districts of justices of the peace were discussed.


The Deputy Minister and the Head of the Human Resources and Civil Service Department of the Ministry told the students in detail about the goals, functions, tasks and social significance of the state civil service of the Republic of Tatarstan, the benefits of working in the civil service, including in the courts of judges of the peace, the procedure for entering the service, the requirements and features of the competitive procedures.


In addition, during the meeting, students were able to see the conditions and workload of the staff of the justices of the peace, as well as ask questions of interest on professional activities.

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