On December 5, 2022, Federal Law No. 509-FZ "On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Article 3.5 of the Federal Law "On the Entry into Force of the Land Code of the Russian Federation" was adopted.
The amendments have changed the terms of approval and provision of land plots in state and municipal ownership.
The terms of consideration of applications have been reduced from 30 to 20 days in the case of:
section of the land plot (first paragraph of paragraph 7 of Article 11.4 of the RF Land Code);
preliminary approval of the provision of a land plot (paragraph 7 of Article 39.15 of the RF CC);
provision of a land plot for ownership, lease and gratuitous use without bidding (first paragraph of paragraph 5 of Article 39.17 of the RF CC);
preliminary approval of the provision of a land plot or the provision of a land plot for individual housing construction, maintaining a personal subsidiary farm within the boundaries of a settlement, gardening for their own needs, as well as preliminary approval of the provision of a land plot or the provision of a land plot for the implementation of peasant (farmer) economy of its activities (paragraph one of paragraph 1 of Article 39.18 of the LC RF);
redistribution of lands and (or) land plots in state or municipal ownership, and land plots in private ownership (first paragraph of paragraph 8 of Article 39.29 of the RF CC).
At the same time, if the layout of the land plot on the cadastral plan of the territory is subject to agreement, the period for which consideration of the application can be extended is also reduced from 45 to 35 days.
In addition, the owners of land plots and persons who are not owners are obliged, in the event of a fire on a land plot used for agricultural production, to immediately notify the fire department and assist it in extinguishing a fire on this land plot.
The Federal Law comes into force on March 1, 2023.