Results of the Attestation commission meeting

12 April 2023, Wednesday

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan held a meeting of the attestation commission on the attestation and qualification examination of the staff of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan.


According to the decision of the certification commission two state civil servants passed the qualification exam and were recommended for the assignment of a class rank in accordance with the position they hold.


According to the results of voting, by the decision of the commission 3 attestants were acknowledged to be appropriated to the position of the civil service, 7 attestants were acknowledged to be appropriated to the position of the to the vacated position of the civil service and have been recommended for inclusion to the personnel reserve to fill a vacant position of the civil service in the order of career growth, and 1 certificant - not appropriate to the held position of the civil service.


Professor of the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University A.G. Gataullin and Associate Professor of the Criminal Law and Procedure Department of the Law Faculty of the "TISBI" University of Management, Candidate of Law S.K. Badamshin took part in the commission meeting as independent experts.

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