The Ministry of Justice of Tatarstan held the first Forum of Legal Clinics in the republic

12 April 2023, Wednesday

Today in the Historical Park "Russia - My History" a Forum of legal clinics of the Republic of Tatarstan was held for the first time.


The forum brought together heads of state authorities and specialists of legal clinics of Tatarstan in a single community.


The Legal Clinics Forum is a series of plenary sessions on various topics in the field of free legal aid, aimed at creating a unified community of legal clinics of Tatarstan universities and increasing the quality of free legal aid provided by them.


Rustem Zagidullin, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, Maksim Skirda, Head of the Ministry of Justice Department of the Republic of Tatarstan, Saria Saburskaya, Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ilya Nachvin, First Deputy Minister of State Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan, Iliya Nachvin, Deputy Head of the Ulyanovsk Governor's Office and the Head of the Department of Legal Aid of the Ulyanovsk region participated in the plenary session of the Forum on "Prospects of Development of Non-State System of Legal Aid". Roman Ryabyi, Director of the Department for the Development and Regulation of Legal Assistance and Legal Services of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, joined the event by video conference.


The significance of the forum is the consolidation of all participants of the state and non-state systems of free legal aid and the elaboration of further ways of developing the institute of legal clinics. This was stated in the greeting of the Minister of Justice Rustem Zagidullin to the participants and guests of the Forum.


The Minister stressed that in order to most effectively provide legal aid, there should be interaction of legal clinics with public authorities.


"The Ministry of Justice of Tatarstan actively cooperates with legal clinics. And not only on the issues of free legal aid. This year we began to build cooperation on conducting an anti-corruption assessment of normative legal acts. We concluded agreements with five legal clinics, under which the students are involved in rendering free legal assistance at the Ministry of Justice," said Rustem Ildusovich.


The Minister reminded that the need to involve the legal community in the provision of free legal aid was pointed out by the Rais of Tatarstan.


"In general it is necessary to look for new forms and formats of interaction between public authorities and legal clinics and other institutions of civil society", - concluded the Minister.


On the platform of the forum there was a solemn awarding of the winners of the Legal Clinics of the Republic of Tatarstan Contest. The first place in the Contest was taken by the Legal Clinic of the Kazan branch of the All-Russian State University of Justice.

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