The Museum of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan was visited by students of the Faculty of Law of Kazan Federal University. The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan greeted the students.
Rustem Zagidullin focused the students' attention on the second stand of the Museum, which was devoted to the establishment of regional law courses, and told them about the People's Commissar of Justice of the TASSR Hafiz Rakhmatullovich Palyutin.
Organizational skills, initiative, high level of knowledge in economic and party affairs provided Khafiz Paliutin a rich professional path. In March 1926 at the VI All-Tatar Congress of Soviets, to which he was delegated from the Kazan City Council, he was elected People's Commissar of Justice and Prosecutor of TASSR. He put a lot of power and energy into strengthening the authority and influence of the court and prosecutorial bodies in Kazan, as well as in the districts of the republic.
"It was Khafiz Rakhmatullovich in June 1927 at the III All-Russian Meeting of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR made a proposal to restore the Faculty of Law at Kazan University, which greatly contributed to the development of legal education and science of the republic", - said the Minister.
Semyon Smetanin, an employee of the Ministry of Justice, gave a tour of the Museum's exposition hall. He told about the history of the formation and development of the Ministry of Justice. The guests with great interest got acquainted with the archive documents, photos and awards.