Internship of executive secretaries of administrative commissions

13 October 2023, Friday

On the site of the Administrative Commission of Kazan there was held a regular training of executive secretaries of administrative commissions of Alekseevsky, Verkhneuslonsky, Kukmorsky, Leninogorsky, Menzelinsky, Nizhnekamsky, Novosheshminsky, Nurlatsky, Cheremshansky, Chistopolsky and Yutazinsky municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Deputy Head of the Administrative and Technical Inspection Department of the Executive Committee of Kazan Vil Latypov together with the Head of the Legal Department of the Department Yaroslav Elistratov reported on the procedure for initiating administrative proceedings, completeness and quality of the materials and protocols on administrative offenses.

Artem Goritsky, head of the department for the organization of work of the general order of consideration of administrative materials of the Department for the organization of administrative commissions of the Executive Committee of Kazan, explained the peculiarities of consideration of administrative materials, the procedure of the meeting of the administrative commission, sending resolutions on the imposition of penalties on offenders, control over the implementation of decisions of the administrative commission, the head of the Department of administrative payments Rezeda Nizamova, head of the Department for the accounting of administrative payments.

The representative of the Main Department of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Republic of Tatarstan Alfiya Sagdeeva explained about the organization of collection of administrative fines.

The interns familiarized themselves with the work of the Administrative Commission of Kazan: participated as observers in the meeting, studied the order of registration and formation of cases. At the end of the internship, a round table was held, during which questions of interest to the interns were answered.

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