Head of the Free Legal Aid Organization Department was invited to the final of the "Leaders of Russia" competition

23 October 2023, Monday

Ilfat Mingalimov, Head of the Department for Organization of Free Legal Aid and Planning of the Ministry of Justice, has qualified for the in-person district final of the 5th Anniversary Management Contest "Leaders of Russia" based on the results of the regional stage.

The final of the competition will be held in late October in Nizhny Novgorod, within the framework of which the participants will undergo a comprehensive assessment of managerial competencies, performing individual and group tasks. Sixty-three people will take part in the district final from the republic.

Recall, "Leaders of Russia" is an open competition for the new generation of leaders, which gives an opportunity to receive a grant for the development of their initiatives and enter the privileged community of the best managers of the country. It has been held since 2017.

The Ministry's team wishes Ilfat Maratovich good luck and a well-deserved victory!

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