Legal education and increasing the level of legal literacy of the population. Experts on the implementation of the Human Rights Strategy in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2022-2028

24 October 2023, Tuesday

First Deputy Minister of Justice Ainur Galimov took part in a meeting of the Expert Council under the Commissioner for Human Rights.

The agenda of the meeting included discussion of topical problems of improving legislation on human and civil rights and freedoms, as well as legal education and raising the level of legal literacy of the population in the republic.

In 2023, the Ministry of Justice continued its work to improve legal literacy in the country and organized and held a number of events to that end.

An important resource for education is the state platform of free legal aid "Vprave.rf", through which citizens can quickly find comprehensive information on how and where to obtain free legal assistance in various life situations.

In addition, for the convenience of users on the portal life situations and frequently asked questions are grouped into categories. Having chosen the necessary category and having found in it a description of the problem to be solved, the citizen receives a step-by-step instruction, which describes all the necessary actions of the citizen to resolve his situation.

The participants of the meeting also discussed important problems of interaction of the Ombudsman for Human Rights in RT with public authorities and civil society institutions.

In Tatarstan, first of all, free legal assistance is provided by the State Legal Bureau of the Republic of Tatarstan, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Justice.

The State Legal Bureau and the Office of the Ombudsman for Human Rights in the Republic of Tatarstan have built a constructive interaction to provide free legal assistance to the residents of the Republic within the framework of the previously concluded Agreement on Cooperation. In 2023, 6 joint receptions were held, where 38 people were received.

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