The specialists of the State Legal Bureau were approached by the mother of a deceased participant of the SVO. During his service for 5 months her son received a monthly cash allowance, which at the time of his death remained in his account and amounted to about 800,000 rubles.
"In accordance with Article #1154 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the inheritance can be accepted within six months from the date of the opening of the inheritance," said Mars Fatkullin, head of the State Legal Bureau.
The woman applied to the notary at the place of registration in the city of Dyurtyuli of the Republic of Bashkortostan within the term established by law with the question of entry into inheritance, but she did not receive a response from him.
Employees of the State Legal Bureau have extensive experience and knowledge in the field of law, which allows them to competently and accurately draw up an application taking into account all the requirements and peculiarities of the situation.
The State Legal Bureau helped the woman to make a second application to the notary and within a few days the funds of the deceased son were transferred to the mother's account.