Employees of the State Legal Bureau of Tatarstan continue to provide free off-site legal consultations

27 December 2023, Wednesday

In 2023, more than 40 visits by special cars were made to districts and cities of the republic, during which more than 200 citizens received legal assistance.

This week the head of the State Legal Bureau of RT Mars Fatkullin held a reception of citizens in Drozhzhzhanovsky district. Free legal advice is provided to privileged categories of citizens. The Bar and notariat are also actively involved in the work on providing free legal assistance.

"In order that every resident of the republic, regardless of the place of residence, could get qualified legal assistance, the State Legal Bureau regularly organizes field receptions in remote, sparsely populated and hard-to-reach settlements", - said Mars Fatkullin.

Residents of the district addressed with various questions. Most of the appeals concerned the provision of social assistance, pension provision and land legislation.

The practice of on-site receptions will certainly be continued in 2024.

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