The Ministry of Justice reminds about the prohibition for civil servants to receive and give gifts

28 December 2023, Thursday

On the threshold of New Year holidays the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that it is prohibited for persons holding state and municipal positions, as well as state and municipal officials, employees of certain organizations to receive and give gifts in connection with the performance of their official duties.

Diana Sitchanova, responsible for the work on prevention of corruption and other offenses in the Ministry of Justice, explains that receiving gifts by civil servants is a violation of the prohibition established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and creates conditions for the emergence of a conflict of interest, calls into question the objectivity of their decisions.

"If an official violates the prohibition on receiving gifts, he or she faces punishment in the form of dismissal due to loss of confidence, and if the gift will be regarded as a bribe - criminal liability", - says Diana Nurlanovna.

The exception is gifts to be surrendered, which are received in connection with protocol events, business trips and other official events.

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