Information about court cases is allowed to be published on the Internet

10 January 2024, Wednesday

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan has received more frequent appeals from residents of the republic regarding the publication of information about court decisions and participants in the judicial process on the Internet.

Ksenia Martochkina, Head of the Department of Organizational and Legal Support for the activities of Magistrates of the Ministry, explains that in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law № 262-FZ dated December 22, 2008 «On Ensuring access to information on the activities of Courts in the Russian Federation» judicial acts should be published on the official website of the relevant court, in the Republic of Tatarstan - this is the Portal of the world judges.

«Information about cases in court is posted on the Internet: registration numbers of cases, their names or the subject of the dispute, information about participants in the trial, information about the passage of cases in court, as well as information about the issuance of judicial acts based on the results of the consideration of cases», Ksenia Viacheslavovna said.

Exceptions are judicial acts that contain information affecting the security of the State, family and legal relations, the rights of minors and decisions related to hospitalization.

«In other cases, published information about court cases on the Portal of Magistrates of the Republic of Tatarstan is not subject to deletion and is stored in the electronic archive of the Portal», Ksenia Martochkina summed up.

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