The fourth and final seminar-meeting for heads of rural settlements on topical issues of local self-government, organized by the Raisa Administration and the Association «Council of Municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan», was held in the Agryzsky municipal district of the Republic. The seminar was attended by Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan Mukharryam Ibyatov, heads of districts and settlements, heads and representatives of various departments of the Republic.
The reporting seminar, designed to establish a lively dialogue between representatives of local governments and heads of state authorities of Tatarstan, closed a series of these meetings for heads of settlements for the current year. In two weeks, they were held in four zones – in Apastovo, Baltasi, Bavly and Agryz.
Interaction with local governments on legal issues is one of the main tasks of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan. Annually, more than 30 thousand acts are included in the register of municipal normative legal acts of the Republic of Tatarstan. More than 80% of the municipal acts adopted are acts of the settlement level.
Since 2022, municipal benefits and social support measures provided to military personnel participating in a special military operation and their family members have been in effect in the municipalities of the republic.
As of April 1 of this year, 2,091 benefits and support measures of 15 types are provided in municipalities. Most often, measures and benefits relate to the provision of free hot meals to students in educational institutions, early enrollment in preschool educational organizations and exemption from fees charged to parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of a child in such organizations, free or preferential visits to municipal institutions in the field of culture and sports, exemption from self-taxation citizens.
A list of municipal benefits and social support measures provided to military personnel and their family members in municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as municipal regulatory legal acts by which they are approved, can be found at any time on the official website of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan.