A meeting of the Anti-Corruption Commission under the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan was held today. There were four issues on the agenda.
Tatyana Latyeva, Head of the Personnel and Civil Service Department of the Ministry, made a report on the implementation of the Ministry's anti-corruption program in the first quarter of 2024 and the analysis of income data submitted by civil servants to the declaration campaign.
The following topics were also discussed at the meeting:
the state of corruption and the implementation of anti-corruption policy measures in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2023;
anti-corruption monitoring for 2023, prepared by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Anti-corruption monitoring is a tool for the prevention of corruption. One of the tasks of anti-corruption monitoring is to identify vulnerable and weak points in the life of society, which may be a hotbed of corruption. Such an analysis allows us to identify those areas of public life where either successfully implemented projects have led to a reduction in corruption tension, or the presence of risk zones requires the adoption of new targeted measures to prevent corruption.
According to the results of a sociological study conducted in 2023, the work on combating corruption carried out by the authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan is evaluated by citizens mainly positively (80.4%).
According to the results of last year, 49.3% of the respondents surveyed believe that the state civil and municipal service benefits society. 21.9% disagree with this, and another 28.8% found it difficult to answer.
An important area of anti-corruption policy is the examination of regulatory legal acts (projects) for the presence of corruption-causing factors. In 2023, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted a legal and anti-corruption examination of 3,100 draft acts, 12 of which revealed 13 corruption-causing factors.
The minutes and information about the meeting are posted on the official website of the Ministry of Justice in the «Anti-corruption» subsection of the «Activities» section.
We also remind you that the Ministry has a helpline for reporting corruption in the Ministry and the offices of magistrates of the Republic - 8 (843) 222-60-30.