The Ministry of Justice of Tatarstan summed up the results of work for the first half of the year on the implementation of state programs

16 July 2024, Tuesday

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan monitors the implementation of three state programs, one of which is directly related to the activities of the Ministry. In the first half of 2024, each state program was completed by more than 50%. Such data is reflected in the Digital Management Module of the state programs of the Republic of Tatarstan. The system started working at the beginning of the current year. It allows you to quickly monitor the progress of program execution and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments to them.

For example, within the framework of the state program «Development of Justice in the Republic of Tatarstan», the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan annually organizes major and ongoing repairs in the buildings of judicial precincts of magistrates.

Earlier, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Zagidullin noted that the judicial precincts of magistrates are located in 71 buildings. On average, there are 182 square meters per judicial precinct. «We try to organize appropriate conditions in all buildings for citizens visiting judicial precincts, as well as for judges and their staff. We pay special attention to the issue of ensuring the accessibility of the buildings of magistrates to low-mobility groups of the population».

The Ministry of Justice of Tatarstan conducted an anti-corruption examination of 1,153 draft regulatory legal acts of the Republic within the framework of the state program «Implementation of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Tatarstan». The local self-government bodies of the Republic have developed 11,718 drafts of municipal regulatory legal acts. Corruption-related factors have been identified and eliminated in 93 projects.

Also, in order to improve the skills of state and municipal employees within the framework of the state program «Development of the state civil service of the Republic of Tatarstan and municipal service in the Republic of Tatarstan», 473 republican employees, of which 212 state and 261 municipal, underwent specialized professional development programs, including anti-corruption disciplines.

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