On March 25 and 26 the working group of the Government Commission of the Republic of Tatarstan on prevention of offences studied the state of organization of work on prevention of offences in Aksubaevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
In the course of the event the commission, which includes representatives of various ministries and departments, according to the approved plan-task, studied the work of subjects of prevention of offenses in its separate directions, including the implementation of a set of process measures of the state program of the Republic of Tatarstan «Ensuring public order and combating crime».
Preliminary results were considered on March 26 at the meeting headed by Deputy Minister of Justice Mukharryam Ibyatov and Head of the Executive Committee of Aksubaevsky municipal district Almaz Mingulov, with participation of Deputy District Prosecutor Larisa Gorozhankina, representatives of all subjects of crime prevention of the district and heads of rural settlements.
Summarizing the results of the meeting, Mukharryam Mansurovich noted that «Work on prevention of offenses in the municipal district should be aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of offenses, and the results can be obtained only with the cooperation of all subjects of prevention».