The Ministry of Justice of Tatarstan held a meeting of the Expert council of the Interdepartmental coordinating committee on legal issues, which considered the following draft laws of the Republic of Tatarstan:
The head of the State Legal Bureau of Tatarstan, Mars Fatkullin, took part in the monthly single reception day on the issue of providing legal assistance to families with children in which one of the parents evades paying alimony.
The Ministry held a meeting of the attestation commission for the certification of civil servants of the magistrates' offices of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The Minister of Justice of Tatarstan Rustem Zagidullin continues to take part in gatherings of citizens supervised by the Ministry of Justice of the Yelabuga district. The Minister met with residents of Pospelovsky and Bolshekachkinsky rural settlements of Yelabuga district. He told the citizens about the implementation of socially significant programs in the republic, as well as important infrastructure projects in the socio-cultural sphere: education, health, culture, youth policy and sports.
The Minister of Justice of Tatarstan took part in the meeting of judges of the Republic of Tatarstan on the results of work for 2022, which was held in the Sovetsky District Court of Kazan.
The Ministry of Justice held a certification of employees of the offices of magistrates of the republic, which was attended by 13 employees.
Today, the Ministry held a meeting in the video-conference mode "On the interaction of judicial precincts of magistrates of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Federal Bailiff Service in electronic form".
As part of the ongoing work to coordinate the borders of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan with the established borders of the Republic of Tatarstan with adjacent subjects of the Russian Federation, a meeting was held at which organizational issues of work on amendments to the laws of the Republic of Tatarstan on the establishment of territorial boundaries and the status of municipalities were discussed.
The Ministry of Justice held a meeting of the working group of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee on legal issues.
The Minister of Justice of Tatarstan took part in gatherings of citizens of the Mortovsky and Lekarevsky rural settlements of the Yelabuga district of the republic, at which the report of the head of the district Rustem Nuriyev on the results of the socio-economic development of the district and rural settlements for 2022 and the main tasks for the current year was heard.