New legislation

5 March 2024, Tuesday

On March 1, 2024, the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan № 11-ZRT «On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan «On the State Civil Service of the Republic of Tatarstan» and the Code of the Republic of Tatarstan on Municipal Service» was adopted.

Citizens entering the state and municipal service must provide a questionnaire, the form and procedure for providing and updating which are established by an act of the President of the Russian Federation.

State and municipal employees are obliged to inform the employer's representative in writing about changes in the information contained in the questionnaire that have become known to them.

The information contained in the questionnaire can be verified by the decision of the employer's representative or a person authorized by him. Conducting such an audit is entrusted to the personnel service of a state body or local government body, which sends requests in writing to public authorities and organizations with relevant information, including through state information systems. The bodies and organizations employing a citizen are obliged to provide the requested information no later than one month from the date of receipt of such a request.

In addition, a circle of persons has been identified whose length of service (total duration) of state and municipal service includes periods of replacement on a permanent (full-time) basis for positions formed in accordance with the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR for the purpose of awarding a superannuation pension.

Law № 11-ZRT was published on the Official Portal of Legal Information of the Republic of Tatarstan on March 1, 2024.

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