A working trip to Nizhny Novgorod region

8 December 2017, Friday

From 5th to 6th of December 2017 the delegation of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan visited the Department for ensuring the activity of magistrates, advocacy, and notaries of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The delegation included the deputy minister of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan N.V.Ragozina, the head of the department for the operation of magistrates A.V.Vorobyev, the head of the organizational and legal support of the magistrates A.V. Nazarova.

During the visit, a working meeting too place with the head of the Department for ensuring the activity of magistrates, advocacy, notary of the Nizhny Novgorod region N.Sh. Scherbakov, deputy head of the Department A.N.Demin and deputy head of the Department, head of the financial department O.N.Belyagina, within the framework of which the parties exchanged their experience in ensuring the activities of magistrates in the material, technical, legal and information fields. At the end of the visit, the delegation visited the building of judicial districts of magistrates in the town of Bor of the Nizhny Novgorod region and assessed the conditions for the administration of justice by magistrates

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