On March 22, 2018 in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan under the leadership of Deputy Minister M.M. Ibyatov was held a work meeting on the implementation of decisions on the appointment of administrative penalties sent by the administrative commission of Kazan to the bailiff service.
I.S. Shakirov, Deputy Head of the Kazan Committee of the Executive Committee, G.H. Gismatullina, Head of the Department for the Organization of the Activities of Administrative Commissions of the Executive Committee of the Kazan City Administration, Head of the Executive Production Department of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan A.V. Zinnatova and the head of the department on issues of territorial organization and control in the sphere of local self-government of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan G.I. Kasymova.
During the meeting, G.H. Gismatullina informed about the number of orders sent to the bailiff service for administrative punishment for 2016-2017 and 3 months of the current year, problems of untimely commencement, execution and termination of executive proceedings on materials sent by the administrative commission of the Kazan.
The representative of the bailiff service announced the results of the work on executive documents.
As a result of the meeting, joint activities and deadlines for the elimination of shortcomings in the course of execution of administrative legislation are outlined