Ah, the war, what have you done, vile:
Our courtyards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads —
They have matured for the time being,
They barely loomed on the threshold
and left, followed by a soldier — a soldier… Goodbye, boys!
Bulat Okudzhava, "Goodbye, boys"
As part of a series of events dedicated to the 78th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Ministry of Justice held a readers' contest "We swear to remember!" and a contest for the best drawing "They fought for the Motherland!". The competition was attended by children of employees of the Ministry's offices and magistrates of Tatarstan. The contestants read poems about the difficult days of the Great Patriotic War and the heroes who in the terrible years of the war showed samples of courage, valor, courage, perseverance and the ability to win. And the drawings of the children who took part depict the return of soldiers home from the front, and the victorious T-34 tank, and many other symbols of this important event for all of us.
The competition was evaluated by a competent jury chaired by Acting Minister of Justice Ainur Galimov, which included Chairman of the Tatarstan Republican Organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Employees of State Institutions and Public Services of the Russian Federation Olga Kalashnikova, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan for Administrative Affairs Eduard Kaminsky, member of the Council of Veterans of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Chashin.
Holding such contests in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan has already become a good tradition. They help to educate the younger generation with feelings of patriotism and pride for the exploits of heroic soldiers, for the heroism of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War.
The results of the readers' contest "We swear to remember!" in the category up to 10 years were summed up as follows:
1st place – Samira Farkhadovna, 10 years old
2nd place – Alexa Alekseeva, 7 years old
3rd place - Nursia Akhmadeeva, 7 years old
in the age category from 11 to 17 years:
1st place – Arina Mukhaleva, 14 years old 2nd place – Gulnaz Valeeva, 13 years old 3rd place - Zarina Khaibullina, 11 years old
In the drawing contest of the age category from 5 to 10 years , the places are distributed as follows:
1st place - Gazizullin Dinar, 5 years old 2nd place - Zakirova Assel, 8 years old 3rd place - Olokina Darina, 5 years old
in the age category from 11 to 17 years:
1st place - Nikita Alekseev, 14 years old 2nd place - Garifullina Ralina, 14 years old 3rd place - Timur Selivanov, 15 years old
Presenting valuable gifts and diplomas to the winners, Olga Kalashnikova addressed the audience:
"Dear participants of today's contests! Dear children and their parents, I congratulate you on a wonderful event organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic. This is our common cause, which helps us to cultivate a civic attitude, patriotism in our children and you, parents, are great companions in this. You are great fellows for giving this time, which will surely resonate a hundredfold in the hearts of the younger generation and will serve for the good of our Motherland!"
Expressing gratitude to the participants of the contests, Eduard Kaminsky noted that all the participants chose wonderful poems, the lines of which made the soul and heart tremble.
"The most important thing is that you feel and agree with the words you say. It's great that you are so reverent, so warm about the feat of our grandfathers and fathers, your great-grandfathers," he added.
Addressing the participants of the contests, their parents and his colleagues, Alexander Chashin reminded that caring for mass graves and monuments is the duty of our generation.
"I would like you sometimes, and especially on holidays, to come in, watch and remember that they defended our Homeland and saved not only their children, but also ours with you."
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan expresses gratitude to everyone who took part in the competitions and congratulates all participants and winners! And also on the eve of the celebration of the most important holiday of the country – Victory Day, he wishes everyone a peaceful sky over their heads and good health!