Rustem Zagidullin: «Annually, more than 30 thousand municipal acts are included in the register of municipal normative legal acts of the Republic of Tatarstan»

25 April 2024, Thursday

Issues of accounting, systematization and alignment with the legislation of municipal acts were discussed today at a meeting of the Coordinating Council under the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for Tatarstan.

Speaking with the report, the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Zagidullin noted that the register, which is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice of Tatarstan, is an important stage in the work on the formation of the unity of the legal space both on the territory of the Republic and on the territory of the Russian Federation. With regard to the acts contained in the register, the Ministry conducts a legal examination for compliance with federal and regional legislation, as well as the charter of the municipality.

«In 2023, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted an examination of 26 thousand municipal acts, of which 395 revealed inconsistencies with current legislation, - Rustem Zagidullin said. Most of the inconsistencies were identified in the field of tax legislation, as well as in acts of municipal services and investment activities».

According to the minister, for the entire time of maintaining the register, more than 290 thousand acts of municipalities of the republic sent by local governments of the Republic of Tatarstan have been included in it. More than 30 thousand municipal acts are included in the register annually.

Separately, the Minister focused on the use of the automated information system «Codex» in the republic.

«The system has become an active assistant to executive authorities and local governments in bringing the legal framework in line with legislative changes. The recommendations of the system allow public authorities to respond pointwise to inconsistencies with legislation in the acts and make appropriate changes», - he explained.

As of April 1, the legal services of municipalities, using the recommendations of the system, eliminated inconsistencies in 35 thousand acts, which is 81%. During the period of application, the system revealed inconsistencies with the legislation in all 956 charters of municipalities. Local governments have introduced information on the elimination of contradictions in 243 charters.

Rustem Zagidullin also spoke about the activities of the Ministry in providing legal and methodological assistance to local governments. For example, within the framework of video receptions of heads of rural settlements, the Ministry explains new legislation requiring amendments, including to charters, and holds joint meetings with the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic and local governments.

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