Kazan hosted a «Class Meeting» on anti-corruption issues

13 November 2024, Wednesday

A meeting between Ilfat Mingalimov, Head of the Department for the Organization of Free Legal Assistance and Planning of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, and students of grades 9-11 was held at School № 136 of the Privolzhsky District of Kazan. About 60 students took part in this important event aimed at raising the legal awareness of young people.

During the meeting, Ilfat Maratovich shared information with the students about the activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as about the specifics of the state civil service.

Special attention in the discussion was paid to the topic of «Counteracting Corruption», which is especially relevant on the eve of the International Anti-Corruption Day. Students were able to ask questions to the head of the department and get acquainted with real examples of anti-corruption policies in both the Republic of Tatarstan and all of Russia. This allowed young people to better understand the importance of fighting corruption and the significance of their role in this process.

Let us recall that the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan monitors the implementation of the republican anti-corruption program, one of the key tasks of which is anti-corruption education of citizens.

The meeting was held as part of the all-Russian project «Class Meetings», which is being implemented on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Since 2019, the project has become part of the federal initiative «Social lifts for everyone» within the framework of the national project «Education».

Such events contribute to the formation of legal literacy among young people and their involvement in important social processes, which plays a significant role in the development of a responsible civil society.

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