The Ministry of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan holds a contest "The best organization of sending SMS messages to the participants of the judicial process" among magistrates of court areas of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The contest is held in order to increase the use in the work of magistrates’ offices in the Republic of Tatarstan to send SMS messages to the participants in the judicial process, which helps to save budget funds and improve the quality of the administration of justice.
The contest took place from 15 of February to 30 of November this year. Following the results of the meeting of the competitive commission, the winners of the competition are:
I place – court area№ 7 in the Nizhnekamsky judicial district of the Republic of Tatarstan;
II place – court area №1 in the Zainsky judicial district of the Republic of Tatarstan;
III place – court area№ 1 for the Laishevsky judicial district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Winners of the contest will be awarded diplomas and cash prizes.