On 22nd of December 2017 a meeting of the Commission took place at the minister of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan on counteraction of corruption, where were considered:
the results of monitoring information on corruption manifestations in the activity of officials of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, placed in the media, including the Internet network and also the citizens and legal entities contained in incoming applications;
results of a sociological survey conducted by the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2017 on the topic: "Public opinion poll on the state of corruption in the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan";
questions on measures taken to reduce corruption conditions in the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, including compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the state civil service when enrolling in the state civil service, preventing the participation of state civil servants of the Ministry in entrepreneurial activity;
questions on the provision of public services for the issuance of permits to use official names of the Republic of Tatarstan in the names of legal entities;
questions of compliance with anti-corruption legislation when exercising control over the performance of transferred state powers by local government bodies;
questions on the provision of public services for the issuance of extracts from the register of municipal regulatory legal acts.
The results of the implementation of the work plan of the Commission by the Minister of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan on counteracting corruption for 2017 have been summed up, the draft work plan for 2018 has been considered.
The first deputy minister of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, deputy chairman of the Commission A.G.Galimov, head of the financial department G.F. Mukhametdinov, head of the department for registration of normative legal acts and legal support for the activity of the Ministry of E.I. Slapneva, head of the department of normative legal work in the field of local self-government and the maintenance of the municipal register R.U. Garipov, head of the department for territorial organization and control in the field of local self-government G.I.Kasymova, senior consultant of the personnel department and the public service, the person responsible for work on the prevention of corruption and other offenses, secretary of the commission M.D.Suleymanov.