On 26th of December 22017, a regular meeting took place on the question of interaction between the administrative commission of Kazan and the bailiffs' service for the execution of decisions on the imposition of administrative punishment.
At the meeting took part the head of the department of territorial organization and control in the field of local self-government of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Tatarstan G.I. Kasymova, head of the department of documentation support and work with citizens’ appeals of the Office of the Federal bailiff service in the Republic of Tatarstan L.R. Khamzina and head of the Administration for the organization of activity of administrative commissions of the Office of the Executive committee of Kazan G.Kh. Gismatullin.
During the meeting, G. Kh. Gismatullin voiced the question of the need to write off debts on unfulfilled resolutions of the administrative commissions on imposing a fine in the form of a fine for 2012-2015 and also the main observations and shortcomings in the organization of interaction on the implementation of decisions.
The representative of the bailiff service all the comments are taken into account and joint actions are planned for the elimination of shortcomings in the course of execution of administrative legislation