Training seminar in videoconferencing for employees of legal services of local government

29 March 2018, Thursday

On March 29, 2018, under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan M.M. Ibyatov, a training seminar was held in the videoconference mode on the topic "Review of changes introduced to Federal Law No. 131-FL of October 6, 2003" On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation. Bringing the charters of municipalities in line with the current legislation.

At the seminar, reports were made by the Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan A.I.  Galyautdinov, the Prosecutor of the Department for Supervising the Legitimacy of Regulatory Acts of the Procurator's Office of the Republic of Tatarstan, M.A.  Filippova, the Chief Counselor of the Constitutional Legislation Department of the Legal Department of the Office of the State Council of the Republic Tatarstan V.B. Sagadeeva, Head of the Legal Advisory and Methodological Support Department of the Local Government of the Ministry of Justice Republic of Tatarstan M.A. Pashkova, on the themes:

- "Actual issues of state registration of charters of municipal entities of the Republic of Tatarstan";

- "On changes in federal legislation requiring correction of the municipal legal framework";

- "Analysis of the draft federal law on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on improving the organization of local self-government";

- "Review of the latest changes in the legislation on local government".

In conclusion, M.M. Ibyatov noted the importance of the topic and urged the representatives of local government to respond in a timely manner to all changes to the legislation on local self-government and to bring the statutes of municipalities and municipal regulatory legal acts in line.

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