100 years of TASSR creation

27 May 2020, Wednesday

Today is particular day for the Republic of Tatarstan - 100 years of Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialistic Republic creation!

 100 years ago on 27th May, 2020, Decree of All-Russian Central Executive Committee on TASSR creation was issued.

This meaningful event in the history of Tatarstan affected on destiny of all of us, determined the way of social and economical development of our Republic. Today Tatarstan is one of the most dynamically developing regions and succeed in many spheres.

This historically significant event is particular date for the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan because by the Decree of RCEC People’s Commissariat was created. Prior goal for all of us is maintaining of #historyofthecentury for the future development of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan celebrates all Tatarstan citizens with this event! With 100 years of TASSR!

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