Meeting on the implementation of non-property requirements

2 June 2022, Thursday

Under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Justice Mukharryam Ibyatov, was held a meeting in the video-conference mode on monitoring non-property claims and the execution of court decisions, the debtors of which are public authorities, state and municipal institutions.


The event was attended by those responsible for providing reporting information on filling out forms of registers related to non–property requirements, the Chief Adviser of the Legal Department of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan – Philip Drobotov and the bailiff of the Enforcement Proceedings Department of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Republic of Tatarstan - Alina Bayburina.


Gulnara Kasymova, Head of the Department for Territorial Organization and Control in the Field of Local Self–Government, made a report on filling out registers in dynamics. Attention is drawn to the need to provide reliable information on the registers being filled in and a responsible attitude to the tasks set. Further ways of interaction with local self-government authorities and executive authorities of state power are planned.

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