Within the framework of the field event the Ministry of Justice employees rendered legal assistance to local self-government authorities of Kamsko-Ustinsky Municipal District.
The Ministry's employees examined the exercise by local self-government authorities of their state powers to collect information from settlements within the region required to maintain the register of municipal normative legal acts of the Republic of Tatarstan and provide legal and methodological support to local self-government authorities.
In the course of the event, the issues of keeping the register of municipal normative legal acts of the Republic of Tatarstan, conducting anti-corruption expert examination of municipal normative legal acts, as well as bringing them in compliance with the legislation were worked out jointly with the legal service of local self-government authorities of the region.
Within the framework of the state program "Implementation of anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Tatarstan" the issues of functioning of anti-corruption commissions of the district were considered, the municipal anti-corruption program was studied, as well as the progress of implementation of other program activities.
Based on the results of the field event, problematic issues were discussed with the responsible persons of local self-government authorities and recommendations were given to improve the efficiency of work on combating corruption, execution of delegated state powers and organization of municipal service.
Please be informed that a hotline 8 (84377) 2-11-51 is available for reporting corruption in the district.
Detailed information on anti-corruption activities in the district can be found on the official website.