Tatarstan citizens will receive free legal assistance on issues of protecting the interests of the family

7 July 2024, Sunday

In the Republic of Tatarstan, from July 8 to 14, 2024, the All-Russian Week of Legal Assistance on Family Protection issues will be held for the first time.

The events will be held in all regions of the republic. They are timed to coincide with the Year of the Family in Russia and the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, a holiday established in memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the traditional patrons of marriage in Orthodoxy.

As part of the legal assistance week, free legal advice points will be organized for families. Residents of the republic will be able to receive qualified legal assistance on issues related to: protection of family values, respect for the rights and interests of a young family, children's rights, custody and guardianship, as well as child-parent relations.

Round tables, family meetings with lawyers, preventive video lectures, trainings, themed games, legal hours and much more will be held throughout Tatarstan.

You can get acquainted with the unified action plan for the organization and holding of the All-Russian Week of Legal Assistance in the Republic of Tatarstan on the protection of family interests on the official website of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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