Tatarstan Ministry of Justice: over 114 thousand documents submitted to courts in electronic form

17 October 2024, Thursday

One of the priorities in the digitalization of the activities of justices of the peace is the development of electronic interaction with citizens and legal entities. In particular, we are talking about organizing the electronic submission of documents to the judicial districts of justices of the peace of the Republic of Tatarstan. This was announced at the board of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan by Deputy Minister of Justice Marat Nizamiyev.

According to the Deputy Minister, this service is becoming increasingly popular. Thus, during the first nine months of 2023, more than 54,000 documents were received in digital format at the judicial districts. For the same period in 2024, this figure was already more than 114 thousand.

«The main users of electronic capabilities are legal entities. Of the applications submitted electronically, about 85 percent are from organizations», - said Marat Nizamiyev.

The growing popularity of electronic submission of documents is due to its convenience, time and money savings. Citizens and organizations do not need to personally visit the judicial districts, but simply send documents through the Portal of Justices of the Peace of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In addition, the republic continues to develop electronic interaction with the Federal Bailiff Service, which makes the process of sending enforcement documents more convenient and safe.

As the Deputy Minister noted, this is also convenient for residents of the republic, since enforcement documents can be sent directly from court districts to the bailiffs.

«To do this, it is enough to attach a corresponding petition when submitting an application to the court district of the justice of the peace. Since September 1, 2022, 243 thousand documents have been sent to the bailiff service electronically. Of these, almost 113 thousand in 2024 alone», - he specified.

Marat Faridovich also recalled the launch of a new service that will allow citizens and organizations to submit procedural documents to court districts through a single portal of state and municipal services.

In January of this year, amendments were made to the Procedure for submitting documents to justices of the peace in electronic form, according to which the submission of procedural documents in electronic form should be carried out, including through the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services.

«The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan is working on the issue of launching a new service on the State Services portal, which will allow citizens and organizations to submit documents to courts electronically. We expect that the service will be up and running by the end of this year», - the deputy minister concluded.

The implementation and development of new digital solutions in the public administration system is one of the goals of the national project «Digital Economy».

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