New in legislation

18 October 2024, Friday

n October 2024, the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan № 80-ZRT «On Amendments to Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan «On Local Self-Government in the Republic of Tatarstan» and the Code of the Republic of Tatarstan on Municipal Service» was adopted.

In accordance with the amendments, Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan dated April 28, 2004 № 45-ZRT «On Local Self-Government in the Republic of Tatarstan» was supplemented with paragraph 31, according to which the charter of a municipality may provide for the right of a representative body of a municipality to participate in the formation of a local administration, including in approving or coordinating the appointment of deputy heads of the local administration, heads of sectoral (functional) and (or) territorial bodies of the local administration, as well as the forms and procedure for such participation.

In addition, paragraph 3.2.5 of Appendix 3 to the Code of the Republic of Tatarstan on Municipal Service has been amended, according to which the appointment of the head of the executive committee to the position of deputy head of the executive committee, heads of sectoral (functional) and (or) territorial bodies of the executive committee in accordance with the charter is carried out in agreement with the representative body of the municipality.

The amendments come into force on October 25, 2024.

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