Conversation with the National Guard about the main principles and mechanisms of anti-corruption policy

6 December 2024, Friday

On the eve of the International Anti-Corruption Day, the head of the department for the organization of free legal assistance and planning of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ilfat Mingalimov, held a meeting with employees of the Russian Guard Directorate for the Republic of Tatarstan.

The lecture was devoted to the topic: «The concept and essence of corruption. Requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on combating corruption».

Ilfat Maratovich spoke about the national anti-corruption strategy, the regional project «Formation of a negative attitude towards corruption».

He emphasized that the main goal of implementing anti-corruption policy in the Republic of Tatarstan is to identify and eliminate the causes of corruption (its prevention), create conditions that prevent corruption, and form an intolerant attitude towards it in society.

The developed system of laws and by-laws regulates anti-corruption activities. These documents define responsibility for corruption offenses and describe the mechanisms for their prevention.

«Conducting such lectures within the framework of the state program «Implementation of the anti-corruption policy of the Republic of Tatarstan» is an integral part of educational work to combat corruption in law enforcement agencies and contributes to the formation of an intolerant attitude towards any manifestations of corruption offenses», - noted Ilfat Mingalimov.

At the end of the meeting, Deputy Head of the Russian Guard Directorate for the Republic of Tatarstan, Police Colonel Rafil Nabiullin thanked Ilfat Maratovich for the interesting lecture.

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