March 2018

March 28, 2018, a competition is announced for inclusion in the personnel reserve of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan for the main and leading group of the state civil service of the Republic of Tatarstan.

March 2018

On March 26, 2018, under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, N.V. Ragozina, meetings were held with staff of magistrates' offices in the Arsk, Atninsky, Baltasinsky and Vysokogorsky judicial districts of the Republic of Tatarstan.


March 2018

On March 22, 2018, Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan N.V. Ragozina and Head of the Department of organizational and legal support of Justices of the Peace A.V. Nazarova took part in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Legal and Individual Regulation of Public Relations" dedicated to the monograph of the Rector of the Russian State University of Justice Valentina Ershova, organized by the Kazan branch of the Russian State University of Justice.

The conference was attended by the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan I.I. Gilazov, the Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Povolzhsky District Y.V. Glazov, the Head of the Department of the Judicial Department in the Republic of Tatarstan Z.M. Salikhov, the Rector of the Russian State University of Justice V.V. Ershov, director of the Kazan branch of the Russian State University of Justice R.A. Sharifullin, chairmen of district (city) courts.

Further, a meeting of the Council of Judges of the Republic of Tatarstan was held the chairmanship of R.F. Gafarov, at which the question of formation of a reserve of personnel for the replacement of the posts of the staff of the court apparatuses and judicial sections of the peace judges of the Republic of Tatarstan was considered

On March 23, 2018 in the Association "The Council of municipal formations of the Republic of Tatarstan" held a meeting on the maintenance and protection of cemeteries in the Republic of Tatarstan.

On the organization of the maintenance and protection of cemeteries on the territory of the municipal formations of the republic issued the deputy executive secretary - the head of the legal department of the Association "The Council of Municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan". S.N. Stolyarov.

Deputy Minister of Justice M.M. Ibyatov took part in the discussion of the issue at the meeting

March 2018

On March 22, 2018 in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan under the leadership of Deputy Minister M.M. Ibyatov was held a work meeting on the implementation of decisions on the appointment of administrative penalties sent by the administrative commission of Kazan to the bailiff service.

I.S. Shakirov, Deputy Head of the Kazan Committee of the Executive Committee, G.H. Gismatullina, Head of the Department for the Organization of the Activities of Administrative Commissions of the Executive Committee of the Kazan City Administration, Head of the Executive Production Department of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan A.V. Zinnatova and the head of the department on issues of territorial organization and control in the sphere of local self-government of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan G.I. Kasymova.

During the meeting, G.H. Gismatullina informed about the number of orders sent to the bailiff service for administrative punishment for 2016-2017 and 3 months of the current year, problems of untimely commencement, execution and termination of executive proceedings on materials sent by the administrative commission of the Kazan.

The representative of the bailiff service announced the results of the work on executive documents.

As a result of the meeting, joint activities and deadlines for the elimination of shortcomings in the course of execution of administrative legislation are outlined

From March 20 to 21, 2018 members of the work group of the Governmental Commission of the Republic of Tatarstan for the Prevention of Offenses to study the organization of work in this direction conducted an on-site inspection in the Buinsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the course of the work, members of the work group, which includes representatives of various ministries and departments, in accordance with the approved task plan, studied the organization of activities of subjects of crime prevention in ten areas (in education, health, youth policy, social protection, employment, etc.), including the execution of the state program "Ensuring public order and counteracting criminality in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014-2020".

Based on the audit results, a meeting was held under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Justice, M.M. Ibyatov with the participation of the head of the Buinsk municipal district M.A. Zyabbarov, District Prosecutor M.R. Fatkullin, head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Buinsky district of R.M. Egorov, representatives of all subjects of crime prevention, discussed the results of the work group of the Government Commission of the Republic of Tatarstan on the Prevention of Offenses

March 2018

On March 20, 2018 in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, under the chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Chief of Staff of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan S.Kh. Gafarov, a meeting of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee for Legal Affairs.

The Committee considered the following issues:

1) on the draft law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On Objects of Cultural Heritage in the Republic of Tatarstan";

2) on the draft law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On Amendments to Articles 9 and 10 of the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan" On Fire Safety";

3) on the draft law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan "On Empowering Local Governments of Municipal Entities in the Republic of Tatarstan with Separate State Powers in the Sphere of Ensuring Equal Accessibility of Public Transport Services on the Territory of the Republic of Tatarstan for Certain Categories of Citizens";

4) on approval of the composition of the Expert Council of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee for Legal Affairs

On March 20, 2018 in the Office of Rosreestr in the Republic of Tatarstan under the leadership of Deputy Head A.P. Kostin a meeting was held to resolve issues on disputed borders between the Republic of Tatarstan and adjacent subjects of the Russian Federation.

The participants of the meeting considered and approved a plan-setting measure to ensure that information on the borders of the Republic of Tatarstan is entered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. The situation on this issue was reported by A.P. Kostin and Deputy Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan R.R. Merzakreev.

Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan M.M. Ibyatov took part in the discussion of the issues

March 2018

On March 19, 2018 in the family hotel "Ronald McDonald's House", located in the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan organized an event to provide free legal assistance to families raising children who are seriously ill.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ombudsman for Children in the Republic of Tatarstan branch of the Russian Pension in the Republic of Tatarstan of the Fund, the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Lawyers and Notaries Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In total, free legal assistance was provided to 21 families on 46 issues during the event. Appeals of citizens most often concerned the sphere of social protection, medical rehabilitation, drug provision, etc. All applicants received free legal assistance in the form of legal advice in oral and written form.

The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan expresses gratitude to all federal and republican authorities, the bodies of the legal profession and the notary who took an active part in organizing and holding the said event

On March 20, 2018, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan announces a competition for filling vacant positions of the state civil service of the Republic of Tatarstan in the apparatus of justices of the peace of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Details can be found in the subsection "Competition for filling a vacant position" in the section "Personnel policy".

Applications for participation in the competition with the application of the necessary documents are accepted by the secretary of the competitive commission on April 9, 2018 at the address: Kazan, Kremlevskaya St., 16, room 109, tel.223-07-87.

The meeting of the competition commission will be held (tentatively) on April 26, 2018

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