The draft law limiting the time and places of sale of alcohol on the territory of Tatarstan was approved by the Expert Council of the Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee on Legal Issues

20 June 2024, Thursday

The members of the Expert Council reviewed and approved the draft law on amendments to Article 2 of the republican Law «On additional restrictions on the time, conditions and places of retail sale of alcoholic beverages in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan and the invalidation of certain legislative acts of the Republic of Tatarstan».

According to the bill, it is proposed to limit the time of retail sale of alcoholic beverages in public catering located in apartment buildings. The sale of alcohol in such places will be allowed only from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

The proposed time limit for the sale of alcoholic beverages proposed by the draft law will not apply to restaurants, bars, cafes and buffets. Thus, the new rules will affect 186 establishments in Kazan and 59 throughout the Republic of Tatarstan.

As it was noted at the meeting, the bill is aimed at reducing the crime rate and provides for an increase in favorable living conditions for citizens in apartment buildings, on the ground floors of which there are catering establishments where alcohol is sold.

After the adoption of the bill in the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, these restrictions will come into force on March 1, 2025.

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