Employees of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan took part in the Spartakiad of civil servants of the Republic of Tatarstan in athletics

16 September 2024, Monday

In Kazan, as part of the Spartakiad of civil servants, track and field competitions were held, bringing together representatives of 20 teams of ministries, departments of the Republic of Tatarstan and territorial structures of the bodies of state administration of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The team of the Ministry of Justice was worthily represented by athletes: Ilfat Mingalimov, Valeria Zaripova, Niyaz Zakirov, Azalia Yushkova, Maxim Andreev.

The Spartakiad of civil servants of the Republic of Tatarstan has been held since 2011 and is aimed at creating conditions for the physical improvement of state civil servants, as well as the preservation and development of the physical culture and sports movement in the republic. This corresponds to the goals of the federal project «Sport is the norm of life» of the national project «Demography».

We thank our colleagues for their worthy participation in the competitions and wish them victory in the next games!

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