The State Legal Bureau of the Republic of Tatarstan continues to work to improve the availability of free legal assistance for residents of the region

25 October 2024, Friday

Over 1,600 residents received legal assistance in the first 9 months of 2024.

Information portal «VPRAVE.RF» is operating in pilot mode in the Republic of Tatarstan. The system helps to make an appointment for an initial consultation with the State Legal Bureau, draft an appeal and receive a response from qualified lawyers, and also find information on legal issues.

Citizens can seek legal support via video communication carried out through the nearest MFC office.

You can also find out about free legal assistance through the mobile application «Resident Card of the Republic of Tatarstan».

State Legal Bureau employees conduct receptions together with the regional branch of the State Fund «Defenders of the Fatherland» on the issue of protecting the rights of SMO participants and their family members.

Residents of the Republic seek legal assistance on the following issues:

  • social security,
  • labor legislation,
  • consumer protection,
  • housing law.

The State Legal Bureau of the Republic of Tatarstan operates in Kazan on the territory of the Justice Quarter, as well as in the urban settlement of Bogatye Saby. It should be noted that the provision of free legal assistance corresponds to the goals and objectives of the national project «Demography» in the area of ​​preserving the well-being of people.

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