In Tatarstan, about 2.5 thousand decisions are made annually by citizens' assemblies

16 January 2025, Thursday

The population of municipalities is the most important subject of local self-government. Citizens play a key role in the management of their municipalities, and this trend is growing every year. This was announced today at a press conference at the NA «Tatar-inform» by Deputy Minister of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan Mukharryam Ibyatov.

«Local self-government is an area where every resident can really influence the life of their city or village, - noted Mukharryam Ibyatov. – There are fewer opportunities for direct participation at the federal and regional levels, while at the municipal level such mechanisms provide ample opportunities for citizen involvement».

The Deputy Minister recalled that the foundations of local self-government are enshrined in chapter 5 of Federal Law № 131-FZ «On the general principles of local self-government organization in the Russian Federation». In the Republic of Tatarstan, the fundamental regulatory act in this area is Law of the Republic of Tatarstan № 45-ZRT. Its provisions allow residents to directly influence decisions concerning their lives.

Decisions made at the meetings are necessarily published on official resources, such as the Official portal of legal information of the Republic of Tatarstan (PRAVO.TATARSTAN.RU), and are also included in the register of municipal regulatory legal acts on the portal of the Ministry of Justice of Russia (PRAVO.MINJUST.RU).

«This is important not only for the transparency of the process, but also so that residents can monitor the implementation of the decisions made, - the deputy minister noted. - All these measures help strengthen public trust in local authorities and increase the level of civic activity».

According to the register, about 2.5 thousand decisions of citizens' meetings are made in Tatarstan annually, which indicates a high degree of public involvement in the management of local affairs. In 2022, 2,474 such decisions were made, in 2023 - 2,484, and in the first 11 months of 2024 - 3,164. It is important to note that a significant part of these decisions concerns self-taxation of citizens and amendments to local regulations.

Focusing on the issues of introducing and using self-taxation funds, which are often discussed at meetings, Mukharryam Mansurovich noted that this practice has been successfully implemented in Tatarstan since 2013, and the amount of funding from the republican budget is 4 rubles for every ruble contributed by citizens. From 2025, additional funds will be allocated only to the budgets of municipal districts.

In conclusion, the deputy minister called on citizens to actively participate in the life of society, emphasizing that this is not just an opportunity, but a necessity for the successful functioning of local government.

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