In Tatarstan, renovations of justices of the peace buildings are being carried out under a state program

23 January 2025, Thursday

At the final meeting of the board of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tatarstan, dedicated to the results of the Ministry's work in 2024 and tasks for 2025, the Minister of Justice of Tatarstan Rustem Zagidullin made a report.

He noted that 190 justices of the peace administer justice in the republic. In 2024, they reviewed over 865 thousand cases and materials, which is 100 thousand more than in 2023. The average annual workload per justice of the peace was more than 4,500 cases and materials.

Support for the activities of justices of the peace is implemented within the framework of the state program «Development of Justice in the Republic of Tatarstan», which provides for current and major repairs of buildings and premises where judicial districts are located.

Rustem Zagidullin gave an example of a successful solution to one of the long-standing problems - the placement of justices of the peace in the Muslyumovsky district. Thanks to the support of the Rais of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the efforts of the head of the district, in January 2025 the justice of the peace and his office moved to a new building with decent conditions.

In addition, at the end of 2024, the Ministry managed to transfer the building of the former polyclinic with an area of ​​479 square meters to accommodate the court areas in Derbyshki. Previously, two areas were located on only 180 square meters.

The minister paid special attention to the issue of financing the program. According to the technical inspection of the buildings of the court areas of justices of the peace, conducted in 2024 on behalf of the leadership of the republic, 44 out of 71 buildings require major repairs. The cost of the necessary work is estimated at 1.3 billion rubles. However, the 50 million rubles allocated for the program will allow all the required work to be carried out within 26 years, based on the price level of 2025.

«Creating decent conditions for citizens applying to justices of the peace remains our priority. We need to reconsider this issue together with the government», - concluded Rustem Zagidullin.

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