In the Republic of Tatarstan there were changes in the composition of the Expert council of the Interdepartmental committee on legal issues

3 March 2025, Monday

Shakir Shakhmedovich Yagudin, who finished his activity as a deputy after retirement, was excluded from the Expert council of the Interdepartmental coordination committee on legal issues. This decision was made at the meeting of the Interdepartmental coordination committee on legal issues, which was held in the walls of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Interdepartmental coordination committee on legal issues was formed by the decree of July 19, 2004. Its main functions are consideration, collective discussion and development of coordinated drafts of republican laws and drafts of federal laws submitted to the State council of the Republic of Tatarstan for their subsequent submission to the State Duma in the order of realization of the right of legislative initiative. The Committee is also engaged in consideration of draft regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Cabinet of Ministers, which are of special complexity and relevance.

Meetings of the committee are held as necessary, but at least once every two months. All decisions are made by a majority vote of the members present and are formalized by the relevant minutes.

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