The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted a meeting of the Government Commission of the Republic of Tatarstan on Crime Prevention, which was held by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Nigmatullin.
The state of the organization of work on the prevention of offenses in the Muslyumovsky and Cheremshansky municipal districts became one of the issues on the agenda of the government meeting.
The visits of the working group of the Government Commission for the Prevention of Offenses are organized by the Ministry of Justice. Interdepartmental commissions for the prevention of offenses, anti-terrorist commissions, social councils, and working groups have been established in the districts.
In general, since 2019, there has been a decrease in crime in the districts: in Cheremshansky by 33%, in Muslyumovsky by 9%. The organization of work on the prevention of offenses in the districts was assessed satisfactorily by the working group.